Construction & Infrastructure

Our Windsocks are utilised on construction sites and infrastructure projects to evaluate wind conditions for dust control, crane and other operations, ensuring the safety of workers and maximising efficiency.

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Dust Control

Emissions to the atmosphere from building and construction sites include particulates (that is dust, motor vehicle emissions and smoke) and odour. Dust suppression and control are often key requirements governing the licence to operate on a particular site, having the potential to severely impact air quality both on-site and in adjacent areas.

A Windsock installed at a visible location enables the operator to control and potentially time, operations that have the potential of creating emissions.  Typically a highly visible Neon Orange or Neon Yellow Windsock is used in such applications.  Several Windsocks may be required for a larger site.

Crane and Heavy Operations Movements

Windsocks provide visual guidance on wind direction and speed, helping operators assess potential risks, evaluate wind load, implement safety measures, plan and schedule operations, and enhance communication and awareness during crane and other heavy infrastructure movements.
