Fire Protection Windsocks

Windsocks provide valuable information to firefighters and property owners

Sadly, catastrophic bushfires are now common place in Australia threatening lives, animals and our environment.  Windsocks are used in all phases of fire protection from prevention and risk management, to evacuation and to fire fighting.

Prevention & Risk Management and Evacuation

Our customers that have infrastructure assets in remote locations may often be surrounded by bushland. They have a duty of care under OHS and other regulations to protect their employees, provide a safe evacuation route and also act to protect their infrastructure assets.

Often the Country Fire Association in each State is called on to assist in developing a Safety Case for the location. Generally, they will prescribe that a Windsock needs to be located at a suitable location on the site based on the prevailing winds and visibility across the site.

The height of the Windsock pole and the length of the Windsock will also depend on the specifics of the site.

Fire Fighting

Increasingly aerial air assets are used to provide aerial fire suppression capability.  For both fixed wind and helicopter operations, Windsocks are a key element for the safe operation of the aircraft. The guidelines for operating aircraft are prescribed by CASA, further details of which can be found on our Aviation Page.

Ground-based firefighters also use Windsocks to monitor the direction (and changing direction) of the wind in the region.